6.8 Describing exploitations of releases

In the messages defined in this part of the ERN standard, record companies or distributors can use three allowed value sets to describe how releases can be exploited. The three allowed value sets are:

  • ReleaseType (of the main release);

  • UseType; and

  • CommercialModelType.

The ReleaseType categorises the release from the point of view of the record company or recording artist (even if distribution takes place through a distributor). For example, a record company may create a release for use as a ring-back tone on a mobile phone.

This is distinct from the UseType, which describes what a consumer is allowed to do with a release. For example, a release created as a “normal” digital album, might still be used as a ring tone.

The third allowed value set, the CommercialModel type, describes how consumers gain access to the release. This might be through financial means such as paying a subscription or paying directly for each release received. Alternatively, a consumer may pay nothing, for example, because the service requires them to listen to or view advertisements.

DDEX has also specified standard message formats for reporting sales and/or usage information. The same three allowed value sets are also available in those standards to describe how releases have been sold and/or used.