5 Message choreography

Figure 1 shows the choreography of the processes that the Electronic Release Notification Message Suite enables. The specific means by which these messages are communicated is not defined here. The choreographies that can be used for the exchange of the messages defined in this Part 1 of the ERN standard are defined in Part 3: Choreography for Cloud-based Storage and Part 4: Choreography for Web Services Exchangee.

Figure 1 — Choreography of the Electronic Release Notification Message Suite

Table 1 below summarises the point in the release cycle when each message defined in this part of the ERN standard is sent. The table also indicates who sends which message to whom.

Message Name

Initiating Event




The record company or distributor decides to make a release available to a DSP and collates all necessary information about the release. This does not necessarily include the commercial conditions information (“Deal”) relating to the release.

Record company or distributor


The record company or distributor has determined, or wishes to update, the commercial condition information relating to the release.

The record company or distributor wishes to communicate updates to the metadata about the release and/or the commercial conditions.


The record company or distributor learns about a corrupt file of a release on a DSP’s systems that cannot be taken down simply by using the NewReleaseMessage.

Record company or distributor


A record company or distributor wishes to completely remove a release from a DSPs offering.

Table 1 — Messages in the Electronic Release Notification Message Suite