6 Message definition
- 6.1 Namespace
- 6.2 Structure of the NewReleaseMessage
- 6.3 Structure of the PurgeReleaseMessage
- 6.4 Syntax and semantics of messages
- 6.5 Allowed value sets
- 6.6 TIS TerritoryCodes
- 6.7 Namespace attribute
- 6.8 Describing exploitations of releases
- 6.9 Schema validation
- 6.10 Indicating unknown values
- 6.11 Contractually mandatory
- 6.12 MessageID
- 6.13 Validity periods for deals
- 6.14 Preview dates
- 6.15 Price information
- 6.16 Extra tags for physical products
- 6.17 Previews and standalone clips
- 6.18 Combining UseTypes with their specialisations
- 6.19 Life cycle changes