6.2 Structure of the NewReleaseMessage

The high-level structure of the NewReleaseMessage is depicted in Figure 2 below. The message contains four XML attributes:

  1. ReleaseProfileVersionId communicates the version of the release profile used in the message. For information on how to use this XML attribute refer to Part 2: Release Profiles of the ERN standard;

  2. ReleaseProfileVariantVersionId communicates the version of the release profile variant used in the message. For information on how to use this XML attribute refer to Part 2: Release Profiles of the ERN standard;

  3. AvsVersionId communicates the version of the allowed value sets used in the message. For information on how to use this XML attribute, refer to Clause 6.5; and

  4. LanguageAndScriptCode communicates the language and script for the elements of the message as defined in IETF RfC 5646. Language and script are provided as lang[-script][-region][-variant].

The NewReleaseMessage also contains nine composites that carry the bulk of the data in a message created in accordance with this part of the ERN standard:

  1. MessageHeader contains the header for the message;

  2. ReleaseAdmin communicates the names of record company or distributor personnel that that record company or distributor requests be granted access to the DSP’s systems to administer a release;

  3. PartyList communicates metadata about the parties that contributed to the creation, publication and/or distribution of the releases and resources described in the NewReleaseMessage. For example, writers, recording artists, session musicians, engineers or record companies;

  4. CueSheetList communicates metadata about the cue sheet in respect of audiovisual resources;

  5. ResourceList communicates metadata about the resources such as sound recordings, videos, other audiovisual recordings, images, text, sheet music or software that are part of the release listed in the NewReleaseMessage;

  6. ChapterList communicates metadata about chapters for sound recordings, videos or other resources (e.g. for audio books);

  7. ReleaseList communicates metadata about Album Releases and Track Releases that a record company or distributor wishes a DSP to make available to consumers;

  8. DealList communicates metadata about the terms and conditions under which such Album Releases and Track Releases may be made available to consumers; and

  9. SupplementalDocumentList communicates links to documents that contain additional metadata about the resources and releases described in the NewReleaseMessage.

Further information is provided in the XML Schema Definition file for this part of the ERN standard, which can be found on the DDEX Knowledge Base.


Figure 2 – Structure of NewReleaseMessage