6.19.4 Take-downs and reduction of distribution rights

This life cycle update applies when a record company or distributor wishes to reduce the rights granted to the DSP. This includes “global take-downs”, “territorial take-downs” and the cancellation of a RightsClaim.

To signal that a release needs to be taken down it is sufficient for the record company or distributor to send a new NewReleaseMessage for that release, albeit, with no Deal composite. If wanted, the record company or distributor may communicate a Deal with an EndDate set in the past.

To signal that some deals for a release cease to apply (i.e. a reduction in the rights available), the deal(s) that have ceased to exist may simply be omitted from the new NewReleaseMessage. If wanted, the record company or distributor may communicate that certain Deal composite(s) are ending, with an EndDate set in the past.

If a take-down or reduction in rights happens in the future, an appropriately end-dated deal needs to be sent.